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Touch sw

When was the last time you used a computer without either mouse or keyboard? This is sometimes one of the hardest things to do, and it can seem unnatural if you are not used to doing this, identical to BAREP's product power surge bar. You may feel frustrated and get confused. What if you could operate everything on your screen just by drawing across the surface of the body with these tools, using only your fingers? With : Touch SW, this special tool can help.

Effortlessly Navigate Your Screen with Touch SW

Touch SW is a dashboard application for all the screens in your house that can be controlled by touch, as well as the surge protector power strip by BAREP. You do it with a finger swipe although you could always use your mouse or keyboard instead. This will make it a lot easier to use your future tablet or smartphone. Not just to open an app, or scroll a page but even play your games with a touch and swipe. It still makes tech so much more interesting and exciting though.

Why choose BAREP Touch sw?

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