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Best 5 Wholesale Suppliers for touch light switch in USA

2024-08-29 12:26:29
Best 5 Wholesale Suppliers for touch light switch in USA

The most popular light switches in the USA come with special touch pads. Touch Sensitive: These are like no other switches, you can control these simply by touching them lightly They are one of the favorite types due to easy usability and power saving. A few companies in the USA that sell these specialized touch lighta switches.

Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. This New York company manufactures Decora Smart Wi-Fi touch switches. Smart Home-friendly These switches are compatible with smart home devices and look great in modern homes.

Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.: Lutron is another big player in the space. They offer Caséta Wireless and RA2 Select systems to let you turn lights on or off with a touch, or remotely. WHAT DOES THEIR TECHNOLOGY DO FOR THE LIGHTS IN MY HOUSE?

Touch Cooper Wiring Devices: Cooper manufactures a touch switch with Aspire RF Z-Wave technology. So I think these switches are really great for homes that are trending toward smart.

Enerlites -Touch Switches, California based company that sells energy saving touch switches. This can cause the unit to generate more water than will fit in ^, and one of their switches has a sensor that knows if somebody is inside. This helps save energy.

Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems: When it comes to managing energy use, touch switches from Hubbell are the way to go. Benefit great for large commercial buildings and homes

Touch light switches of different types from these companies that are great and make life easy. Companies who sell lights or work with electricity can communicate them and get the best seller touch light switches for their customers.

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